Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is a concept to integrate the company-wide business processes along the Supply Chain.
EAI covers the planning, the methods and the software, in order to integrate process-orientated heterogeneous, autonomous application systems. Thus EAI is the process orientated integration of application systems in heterogeneous IT-landscapes and architectures.

In practice, one differentiates between:
- Machine to Machine Integration (M2M): integration on systems level
- Person to System Integration (P2S): common user interface
- Business-to-Business integration (B2B): Integrating applications beyond company borders.
- Total-Business-Integration (TBI): The summation of all integration types.
LitOS Consulting assists you:
- with the selection of a suitable EAI solution
- with the analysis, conception, realization and technical implementation of EAI solutions
- adapting the required message formats
- to transfer the (EAI) knowledge through training of your staff